Monday, October 19, 2009

Nati Meir – guest at Bahmu, Maruta and Zavoranu

Since I have announced I withdraw my candidacy from the presidential elections, I have received hundreds of letters asking me to change my decision of retreating from the presidential competition. I have heard that such messages are received also in different TV- channels, fact confirmed me yesterday, in her emission of the 15th of October, by Oana Zavoranu, who has contacted me by phone and invited to participate at “ Oana Zavoranu show.”
I can only enjoy for the support and trust the Romanian citizens show me, confirming me that the decision to remain in the political life is a wise one.
Although I have retreated from the presidential running, I remain in the political life and in the attention of TV producers so I will attend today, at 15,oo hours, the TV show
“ Gossiping with Bahmu”, broadcasted by Kanal D- TV channel, and I will try to participate also at the emission “Happy Hour”, presented by Catalin Maruta for ProTV channel,( if the time and traffic will permit me).
Monday, the 19th of October, at 17,00 hours, I will attend the “Oana Zavoranu show”, emission broadcasted by OTV channel and presented by Oana Zavoranu.

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