Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Nati Meir- guest of King Cioaba

Tomorrow , the 7th of October 2009, starting with 13,00 hours, Nati Meir, independent candidate for the Romanian presidency, is invited to have a discussion with King Cioaba, at his residence, in Sibiu- city.
At the meeting , Nati Meir will be accompanied by Silvian Filoti Ilie- Fulguta, one of the leader of the Rroma Ethnic Community from Craiova, the city where the presidential hopeful has launched, during the press conference “ Everything begins in Craiova” the program “ The first chance”.
Nati Meir is the third politician , after Traian Basescu and Sorin Oprescu, who meets Florin Cioaba, in this pre-electoral period.

Nati Meir Press Office
Independent candidate for the Presidency

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