Monday, September 14, 2009

Good luck to all students in the new school year

The beginning of the new school year is a time for emotion and eagerness for students, children and teachers, alike.
This event, which should be a festive one, is marked with controversy regarding didactical, organizational and political issues, all deepened by the crisis that our country is facing.
The Romanian education system is one of the major chapters in Nati Meir’s political program. We present to you his view regarding this event:
“Considering the fact that the beginning of a new school year is a special occasion in the life of any child, I wish all of them good luck in their studies and may they achieve high grades. To the politicians that have speculated the flaws in the education system in their benefit, I propose that we stand by the children, in soul and without petty interests.

Nati Meir’s Press Office
Independent Candidate for the Presidency

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